SEO Optimization for Answercast

SEO Optimization for Answercast

SEO Optimization for Answercast, Our work for Answercast was On-page SEO, technical factors, backlinks audit, and Google ranking. We fixed structural data issues, duplicate title tags, internal links, performance issues, warnings, improved domain ratings, increased organic keywords & organic traffic, etc.

    • SEO Service
    • Answecast Health
    • October 01, 2023
    • SEO Service

Our Task Was

Our responsibility of SEO optimization & web development of this website includes.

  • In-depth & organic keyword research to get more organic traffic.
  • We fixed 4593 issues on Unmatched Javascript & CSS files.
  • Then, we resolved 10,246 issues on unminified Javascript & CSS files.
  • We restored 3 top issues like 30 pages returning 4XX status code, 176 broken internal links, and invalid 900 structured data items.
  • We were Setting up the utilization of markup.
  • Optimise image format to faster download & less data consumption.
  • Reduce unused Javascript to use the network actively.
  • Set up the GTMetrix performance report, optimized website loading speed, which impacts their overall performance.
  • Put organic keywords to enrich keyword volume and keyword consistency.


We researched high-quality keywords and found system errors, technical issues, and backlink audits. Our process was detail-oriented and systematic.

  • Set up the average HTML page load speed of 500 pages in 0.85 sec.
  • Increased page load speed by 96% for desktop & 67% for mobile versions.
  • Sever image in the next-gen formats up to 1.92s
  • Setting up alt attributes for 22,228 images.
  • We fixed the warning of 1,03 pages with a low word count.
  • Recover the 459 URL with a temporary redirect.
  • We are setting up 427 pages with a low text HTML ratio.
  • Find & eradicate 445 pages with too much text with title tags.
  • Fixed 746 pages of meta description for the post
  • We resolved ten issues with blocked internal robots.txt
  • Set 945 external links contain nofollow attributes.


After a deep analysis and tracking of this website, we increased the domain ratings and growth. The website got significant organic traffic after our optimization, which was only 122 before. We improved the page load capacity and overall performance of the page.


The project flourished excellently, with a ranking on Google. After fixing all the technical & performance issues, the company is entirely satisfied with the online presence & SEO performance of their health websites.

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