Google Penalty Recovery of Renault Company

Google Penalty Recovery of Renault Company

Our task for the Renault company was Google SEO penalty recovery. We had to fix the issues with AdSense detox, toxic backlink cleanup, content improvement, technical SEO function, link unity and shared knowledge on social media platforms. Then, improve the website ranking & clicks from top to bottom.

    • SEO Service
    • Renault Company, UK
    • July 22, 2022
    • SEO Service

Our Task Was

Our responsibility was to take steps to recover the Google penalty for this site. The website got 250+ clicks per day,  then suddenly disappeared from the search engine. We checked Google Search Console (GSC), but no red flag was visible. Then, we researched all Google updates & strategies to restore this website ranking.

  • Change E-E-A-T matters with added real author name & social profile links
  • Take out the Adsense and Widgets for increasing site visibility
  • Improve the quality of content, as it is called king on the SERPs
  • Solve the technical SEO issues(like HTTP codes, XML sitemaps, and indexation) to make a healthy website
  • Increase the internal link unity to connect dots to keep the traffic flow on
  • Deduct all bad backlinks to keep a clean and healthy website to impress Google
  • To increase online credibility, we shared knowledge on Facebook,  Quora, and Linkedin
  • Bring in speed to create a faster website
  • Resubmission the index to Google  with a new look
  • Within 27 days, we made this transformation of this site
  • Run a complete SEO audit by testing, embracing, and tweaking
  • We worked on top issues like the 404 page, 4XX page, page with no outgoing links, redirected page with no incoming internal links, broken redirect & meta description tag missing or empty.


Our process of work was detail-oriented & methodical. We go through the following method of recovery :

  • Analyze possible ranking issues
  • Check the Google algorithm updates
  • Finalize SEO audit
  • Complete a content audit by using Surfer SEO
  • Clear all backlink profile
  • Remove all the toxic backlinks
  • Errors distribution with or without URL
  • Issues distribution with errors, warnings & notices
  • Crawled URL distribution with internal & resources


When we started to recover this website, it reached almost 0 clicks & 0 impressions. Gradually, we rescued this website & it got firstly 2k impressions, then 4k & ranked with 6k impressions & 375 clicks.


Another name for this problem is Google traffic recovery. It can disappear from your ranked website in a while. After completing our project, this website restored the ranking position and clicks.

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